José Pedro Sousa

Full-stack Blockchain Developer

How identities can help the war

February 26, 2022

Blockchain isn’t really a political thing. And that’s for a reason: it trusts in maths and economics, and not really in people. The whole…

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Why Bitcoin's energy usage isn't such a big deal

January 18, 2022

The thing I’m most intrigued about blockchain is the effect it has on human nature. Somehow it brings up all the best in us, but also the worse. However, because it corrects some of our society’s biggest flaws, the ultimate effect is positive. Let’s talk about energy consumption.

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A new opportunity

January 13, 2021

As a species, we try to come up with tools that make up for our own inability to master our environment and our society. We can’t implement a perfect democracy, for example. We can’t produce our own energy without digging fossilized organic material. I’m always fascinated by these tools, as I believe they contain everything that makes us thinking machines.

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Just some blog

January 6, 2021

Well, I’ve been a dev for quite some time now. Although I did feel the urge to write about it sometimes, I never really started something. Here’s by dev blog, read through to know a little bit more on how this came to be!

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